[Dachs-support] Assistance Required for SSAP Service Issue

Ildana Izmailova izmailova.ildana at gmail.com
Mon Jun 3 13:44:13 CEST 2024


I tried to register at
https://lists.g-vo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dachs-users to write to
Dachs-support, but I seem to be having trouble... I haven't received any
emails, and I'm a bit unsure where to send my queries, so I'm writing to
you directly.

I'm writing to you regarding an issue with the SSAP service. We have
published spectral images in FITS format, not in the wavelength-flux
format, and we are still figuring out how to automate this streaming
process. We understand it doesn't work as a proper SSAP service yet, but it
still functions as a web portal to search and download data. We will
publish the data in the correct format as soon as we can.

Currently, my question concerns the search functionality on the web service
(https://dachs.fai.kz/spectra_agn_archive/q/web/form). When I perform a
search by coordinates, the service responds with "Your query did not match
any data," even though there is definitely data within the specified search
radius. I don't understand how to fix this and have tried several different
approaches. The headers of the frames are correctly populated with
coordinate data in degrees, so I believe the issue is not with the headers.
Could you please advise on how to resolve this issue?

Below I have included the code snippets related to the coordinates:

<FEED source="//scs#splitPosIndex" long="degrees(target_ra)"
lat="degrees(target_dec)" columns="target_ra, target_dec"/>

The columns with coordinates are filled as follows:

<column name="target_ra" unit="deg" ucd="pos.eq.ra;meta.main"
tablehead="Target RA" description="Right ascension of object from
observation log." verbLevel="1"/>
<column name="target_dec" unit="deg" ucd="pos.eq.dec;meta.main"
tablehead="Target Dec" description="Declination of object from observation
log." verbLevel="1"/>

Additionally, I am attaching the full q.rd file so you can review the
entire code if necessary.

I would be extremely grateful for your assistance!
Best regards,
Ildana Izmailova (she/her)

Fesenkov Astrophysical Institute, http://fai.kz
Observatory 23,  Almaty, Kazakhstan, 050020

email: izmailova at aphi.kz
           izmailova.ildana at gmail.com
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