[Dachs-support] DaCHS dachs command returns illegal instruction

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Nov 20 15:45:15 CET 2023

Dear List,

First, apologies for the old mails coming through now; I still didn't
have time to move the list or get the maintainers of the list
processing machine fix notifications, and now that I checked for hung
mails again I forgot to drop some of the ancient problems that (I
hope) we then solved off-list.

Meanwhile, this:

On Fri, Nov 10, 2023 at 09:40:42AM +0100, Stéphane Caminade wrote:
> Le 10/11/2023 à 09:24, Stéphane Erard a écrit :
> > I think there is still something to fix in the registry. When I look for idoc in TOPCAT, it sends me to
> > http://idoc-dachs.ias.u-psud.fr/tap
> > But a request there gives:
> > 	The document has moved <a
> > 	href="https://idoc-dachs.ias.u-psud.fr/tap/sync">here</a>
> >
> > Then, the https URL works fine (including in the VESPA portal
> > where all IAS services where down for some time) - it seems that
> > you want to remove the /sync part, though
> >
> I'm not quite sure where the "/sync" part of the URL comes from.
> The rewrite rule in Apache2 simply rewrites with an https header:
> In a browser, with the debugging tools on, when I access the basic URL with
> simple http, here is what I get:
> No mention of the /sync at the end.
> And in the apache2 logs, here are the relevant lines:
> However, looking for "/sync" in the logs file produces lots of results (I
> just selected a "few" lines):
> But these all seem to originate from the same IP, and with a user agent
> "python-pivo/1.2.1".

seems to be unresolved -- is it?  While this looks more like a
problem of a reverse proxy than one of DaCHS, there *is* quite a bit
of redirecting going on in particular in async TAP, so if there has
been a resolution, I'd be interested to know what it was.



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