[Dachs-support] problem with getproduct

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Nov 3 20:39:34 CET 2023

Dear ChloƩ,

On Fri, Nov 03, 2023 at 05:15:11PM +0100, ChloƩ Azria wrote:
> I have a problem with the getproduct method.
> The service parsec buildt by Emil Wilawer uses the
> |makeProductLink(@prodtblAccref) |and we don't manage to make it work, the
> link returned on the acces_url column leads to the error "No dataset with
> accref parsec/data/asteroid/dataset_2/0943bc9f43502d81.fts" known here.
> the url is like http://<<servername>>:<<port>>/getproduct/parsec/data/asteroid/dataset_2/0943bc9f43502d81.fts
> I have tested it on several servers and sometimes it works and sometimes it
> don't.
> Is it a server configuration problem or something else ?

Hard to tell without knowing more.  So... the basic operation of
getproduct is almost trivial: It looks up whatever is after the
"getproduct" in the URL (in your case
"parsec/data/asteroid/dataset_2/0943bc9f43502d81.fts") in the accref
column of the product table
<http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/ref.html#dc-products> and hands out the
file pointed to in the accessPath column (these values in general
come from the //products#define rowfilter in the importing grammar).

If getproducts returns a 404, either the accref is missing (does the
epn-tap table mix in //products#table, perhaps indirectly?), or the
accessPath is wrong (have you perhaps moved the data around?  Are
there case issues in case there's a case-insensitive file system in
the game?).

Now, as usual with computers, there's always the possibility of crazy
stuff completely different from this, but making sure the basics are
in place is a good idea.

If you figure it out, please let us know what went wrong -- if not,
by all means ask back.



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