[Dachs-support] problem with getproduct

ChloƩ Azria chloe.azria at obspm.fr
Fri Nov 3 17:15:11 CET 2023

Hi Markus,

I have a problem with the getproduct method.

The service parsec buildt by Emil Wilawer uses the 
|makeProductLink(@prodtblAccref) |and we don't manage to make it work, 
the link returned on the acces_url column leads to the error "No dataset 
with accref parsec/data/asteroid/dataset_2/0943bc9f43502d81.fts" known here.

the url is like 

I have tested it on several servers and sometimes it works and sometimes 
it don't.

Is it a server configuration problem or something else ?

Thank you very much,

ChloƩ Azria
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