[Dachs-support] SODA error with 3d data

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Mar 27 16:41:15 CEST 2023


On Mon, Mar 27, 2023 at 03:44:34PM +0200, Ixaka Labadie wrote:
> I am having some trouble using the SODA resources for 3d data, specifically
> with the velocity axis. I just made an example for cutouts with
> "//soda#fits_genDesc" and <FEED source="//soda#fits_standardDLFuncs"/> that
> fails when setting the velocity min and max (real values, not pixels) and
> also fails to scale the image. The result when I click "retrieve data" is

Uh, ouch, the scaling part is expected, now that I think of it.  The
code for scaling can only deal with pixels.  Generalising this would
certainly be possible, but it feels somewhat scary once one goes
beyond 3d.  So... on that, I'd probably suggest to take out the
scaling part unless you think that would be terribly important.  I
think fits_standardDLFuncs should automatically drop SCALE when
there's a spectralAxis...

The behaviour you describe for vmax and vmin, on the other hand,
clearly is a bug that requires fixing.

So... what you do is map the velocity axis to the spectralAxis in
fits_standardDLFuncs?  If so, I'm intrigued this works at all :-)  I
have to admit that fits_standardDLFuncs, despite its name, at this
point is strongly biased towards spectral cubes.

> just the FITS header, with the CRPIX3 keyword changed. On the other hand, if
> I use the inverse order, max and then min, for the velocity I can retrieve
> the cube correctly (although CRPIX3 still changes). The cube I'm using has
> RA--SIN, DEC--SIN and VRAD; the spatial coordinates work correctly.

The plot thickens...

I would expect you could get by unraveling fits_standardDLFuncs
(run dachs adm dumpDF //soda and fetch the pertaining metaMaker-s and
dataFunction-s from the body of the corresponing STREAM) and
replacing the BAND items with your own metaMaker/dataFunction combo.
You could use fits_makeBANDMeta and fits_makeBANDSlice procDefs as
hints for how this could work.

However, I give you this is extremely dense stuff entangled with the
doWCSCutout data function in a rather non-trivial way.  I'd rather
write some somewhat more accessible documentation on that, but
without a concrete case that's always a bit tedious.

So... can you perhaps share your RD and a dataset with me so I can
fiddle a bit until I have some scheme I'm happy with?



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