[Dachs-support] q.rd and obscore

Mathieu Servillat mathieu.servillat at obspm.fr
Thu Jul 27 11:45:24 CEST 2023

Thanks Markus,

I'll probably dig into the ObsCore extracolumns, could be relevant to 
test an HE extension for ObsCore ;-)


Le 24/07/2023 à 17:07, Markus Demleitner a écrit :
> Dear Mathieu,
> On Wed, Jul 19, 2023 at 01:40:40PM +0200, Mathieu Servillat wrote:
>> I still have the question of adding a cone search service on this table (but
>> I could build an additional table for this maybe?)
> Let me think about some shortcut here for a moment.  Can I see the
> table somewhere already?  And is there a VCS I could check out the RD
> from?
> Actually, I'd probably do it the other way round: Build a table
> suitable for SCS (with the meta.main UCDs) and then map it to
> obscore.  I'd be surprised it the RD didn't get simpler that way.
>> I then have specific questions:
>> 1/
>> t_min and t_max are given as MJD, but they appear as "2004-03-26T02:57:46Z"
>> (adql query on the dachs web interface)
> That's not a bug, that's a feature :-)
> The reason for that is that the column definition of t_min in
> //obscore (which you can review with ``dachs adm dumpDF //obscore``)
> has an attribute
>    displayHint="type=humanDate"
> If this really bugs you, you could create a userconfig RD
> <http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/tutorial.html#creating-a-userconfig-rd>
> and put into obscore-extracolumns something like
>    <column origin="t_min" displayHint=""/>
> -- but then I'd probably make that configurable if that's really
> something people don't like.
>> 2/
>> it seems that the field data_rights is not available, should it be defined
>> manually
> Yeah -- I've had a hard time figuring out a use for that given it's
> unclear what should go into it, and hence DaCHS doesn't implement it.
> If you really need it, I'd be curious what you're doing with it.
> If you want data_rights right away, local extensions of ivoa.obscore
> are possible if a bit involved: See
> <http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/ref.html#adapting-obscore>.
>> 3/
>> s_region : my fault probably, as I don't know what to give in this field, my
>> attempt was something like "Circle ICRS GEOCENTER 85.253334 22.014444 5" and
>> I get this error (why scircle here?):
>> The database engine reported:
>>    ERROR:  column "s_region" is of type spoly but expression is of type
>> scircle
>> LINE 1: ...its', 414720, 228.6125,  -58.771667, 5.0, scircle '<
>> (3.9900...
> The scircle is just a "spherical circle", which is what DaCHS parsed
> your STC-S into (since you wrote "Circle").
> The recommended way to do this kind of thing is described in
> <http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/tutorial.html#creating-pgsphere-geometries>
>            -- Markus

Dr. Mathieu Servillat
Laboratoire Univers et Théories, Bât 18, Bur. 222
Observatoire de Paris, Site de Meudon
5 place Jules Janssen
92195 Meudon, France
Tél. +33 1 45 07 78 62

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