[Dachs-support] Resource endpoints/urls not updating after config (port) changed
Markus Demleitner
msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Feb 23 14:19:41 CET 2022
Hi Carlos,
On Wed, Feb 23, 2022 at 01:21:27PM +0100, Carlos Henrique Brandt wrote:
> In the new Debian machine I have Dachs freshly installed, I have been
> doing stuff (ie, importing the resources) at port 8080. Now, I fixed an bug
> in my config file -- a trailing "/" slash in `serverURL` -- and changed the
> port from 8080 to 80; Then restarted the server, but *the resources URLs*
> are not updating. **The front/landing page as well as the "site help"
> endpoint update just fine.**
Yeah... the original plan with DaCHS has been to keep relative URLs
relative throughout, but for various reasons -- mostly related to
properly supporting interfaces somewhere else -- that broke down a
long while ago.
The effect is that for quite a few pieces of metadata, in particular
the reference URL, full URIs are stored in the database, and they
will not change by themselves after a change of /etc/gavorc.
> Am I doing something wrong? If not, how do I update the URLs?
No, this isn't your fault. And I should certainly document the
problem somewhere properly. The fix is to have DaCHS re-generate the
links; the quickest way is to say
dachs pub ALL
This will only revisit RDs that contain published services (i.e.,
that were published before). You can run this on all RDs in your
inputs directory using
dachs pub ALL_RECURSE
-- but make sure you don't have any publish elements in RDs not
intended for publication.
While I'm here I should probably mention a related problem:
publisherDIDs. These DaCHS *always* stores in baked form, and they
contain [ivoa]authority. So, if you change that, you will have to
re-import everything that has (standard) pubDIDs.
-- Markus
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