[Dachs-support] Resource endpoints/urls not updating after config (port) changed

Carlos Henrique Brandt carloshenriquebrandt at gmail.com
Wed Feb 23 13:21:27 CET 2022

Hi Markus,

 In the new Debian machine I have Dachs freshly installed, I have been
doing stuff (ie, importing the resources) at port 8080. Now, I fixed an bug
in my config file -- a trailing "/" slash in `serverURL` -- and changed the
port from 8080 to 80; Then restarted the server, but *the resources URLs*
are not updating. **The front/landing page as well as the "site help"
endpoint update just fine.**

Experienced behaviour:
* Resource/Service endpoints are not updating after Dachs config (port and
serverURL) was updated and restarted. I still see the old/buggy URL of mine
* Front/Landing page as well as "site help" work fine (eg,

Expected behaviour:
* Resource/Service URL would update accordingly, like frontpage did (eg,

Steps to reproduce the issue:
* install dachs 2.5.2+dfsg-1
* set the config file with the following settings:
serverPort: 8080
adaptProtocol: False
serverURL: http://localhost:8080/
* import a data/service resource (eg,
* reload/restart the server and visit the frontpage at http://localhost:8080
* visit the resource endpoint through frontpage's link (you should have a
broken link because of an extra slash after the hostname/port; coming from
* Fix/adjust your config file to the following:
serverPort: 80
adaptProtocol: False
serverURL: http://localhost
* Reload/restart dachs service
* Visit the frontpage, now at http://localhost
* Visit the resource endpoint through frontpage's link. ISSUE: the same,
old, broken URL is being used by the frontpage (on port 8080 + extra slash)
* Back to the frontpage, visit the "site help" link, it is working fine.

Am I doing something wrong? If not, how do I update the URLs?


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