[Dachs-support] question about leap seconds
Markus Demleitner
msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Feb 7 16:51:33 CET 2022
Hi Baptiste,
On Mon, Feb 07, 2022 at 03:05:52PM +0100, Baptiste Cecconi wrote:
> While I'm trying to import data into a table, I'm tumbling on a
> leap-second issue (I guess).
[Skipping an obligatory rant against leap seconds]
> My <rowmaker> element contains:
> > <map key="time_end">parseISODT(@time_end)</map>
> and the ISO date time I'm sending to the rowmaker is
> > time_end = '2016-12-31T23:59:60.000'
> I get the error:
> > Field time_end: While building time_end in make_louis_juno_waves:
> > second must be in 0..59
> As a matter of fact, this ISO date is correct, since there was a
> leap second inserted at this time. This means that the last second
> of year 2016 is indeed '2016-12-31T23:59:60.000'.
Well, there's always a bit of trouble I've not forseen. What DaCHS
does here is dissect the iso datestring a bit more robustly than the
normal time parser does and then passes the bits on to
And sure enough:
>>> import datetime
>>> datetime.datetime(2016, 12, 31, 23, 59, 60)
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
ValueError: second must be in 0..59
That's even documented in the datetime module documentation, which
Unlike the time module, the datetime module does not support leap seconds.
Ah well. Live and learn.
I suppose I'll add something to parseISODT that lets people build
time using the time (actually, calendar) module, like this:
>>> datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
... calendar.timegm((2016, 12, 31, 23, 59, 60, -1, -1, -1)))
datetime.datetime(2017, 1, 1, 1, 0)
(where I refuse to rack my brain on whether that is actually
What you could do until that's out is a procedure application:
<apply name="parseTimeWithLeapSecond">
<setup imports="calendar,gavo.utils.texttricks"/>
mat = texttricks._isoDTRE.match(@TIME_INPUT.strip())
assert mat, "Bad time literal: "+ at TIME_INPUT
parts = mat.groupdict()
@parsed_time = datetime.datetime.fromtimestamp(
int(parts["year"]), int(parts["month"]), int(parts["day"]),
int(parts["hour"]), int(parts["minute"]), int(parts["seconds"],
-1, -1, -1))))
(where the input key would be TIME_INPUT and the parsed value would
end up in the parsed_time var). This is untested; expect minor
trouble. Also, I think time tuples can't have fractional seconds. I
hope you don't need them.
Let me know how it goes -- I'm always happy to rant against leap
-- Markus
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