[Dachs-support] s_regions, errors during import

Chloé Azria chloe.azria at obspm.fr
Tue Aug 16 17:07:10 CEST 2022

Hello Markus,

I always have a lot of troubles implementing s_regions from dachs, with 
the error :

InternalError("spherepoly_from_array: a line segment overlaps or
polygon too large\nLINE 1: ... 283.384,  -77.0712,  -5.68097, NULL,
NULL, spoly '{(4.49544...\n

I simplified a lot the polygons but I still have this error on some of 
them that stops completely the import.

I would like to understand what is the criterion on polygons that makes 
it not handled during the import.  In order to, at least, exclude the 
s_regions on granules that leads to this error and manage to import the 

Example of a polygon producing the error :

POLYGON ((128.8216306026312 -58.34924436446448, 63.49 -46.66, 71.41 
-53.15, 127.77 -55.92, 128.8216306026312 -58.34924436446448))

Thank you very much,

Azria Chloé
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