[Dachs-support] Remove frontpage adql/tap links

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Wed Apr 27 08:21:24 CEST 2022

Hi Carlos,

On Tue, Apr 26, 2022 at 09:18:19PM +0200, Carlos Henrique Brandt wrote:
>  After some "dachs pub ALL/RECURSE" (I don't remember exactly), I got some
> extra links at DaCHS' frontpage:

Yeah, don't do ALL_RECURSE with pub.  This probably shouldn't be
there for dachs pub in the first place because I don't think anyone
ever has reason to do that: it will publish anything on the system
that has a publish element.

> - ~/__system__/adql/query/form
> - ~/__system__/tap/run/info
>  I just want to remove them from the front-page links, how would I do that?

In DaCHS, you can always (well: unless you're using vanity URLs) see
what RDs something comes from by inspecting the first segments of a
URI, where interactively, you'll usually want to replace
/__system__/.  Publications are always by RD, so to get rid of the
ADQL form, say

  dachs pub -u //adql

The TAP case is harder.  It results from this element in //tap:

		<publish render="dali" sets="ivo_managed,local">
			<meta name="accessURL">\internallink{tap}</meta>

The local publication there has been in since I've added the tapinfo
stuff that tells people how to deal with TAP-accessible resources
(which in turn lets you usefully say <publish sets="local"/> on

There's no way to remove the "local" in there from the outside.
Execept, of course, you can edit 


and say

  dachs pub //tap

, but that will break after the next DaCHS update.

And you cannot just say dachs pub -u //tap, because you need that TAP
service published to the registry for roughly a gazillion reasons.

So... what next?  Well: perhaps you can have another look at whether
you could start to like that link (note that you can override its
metadata in your userconfig's tapdescription stream)?  I'd still
say it's a good idea to nudge the browser-using masses to possibly
see the light.

If you can't bring yourself to like it, I could make a tappublication
stream in userconfig that contains the element above and that
individual operators can override to their liking.  Let me know if I
should get to work -- I could bake you a beta allowing this some time
next week.

Oh, and of course there's the quick hack: Just do a psql gavo and run

  delete from dc.sets where sourcerd='__system__/tap' and setname='local'

That'll be good until the next time someone runs dachs pub //tap or
dachs pub ALL.  Note that the usual considerations for editing the
root page
<http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/templating.html#the-root-template> apply
in this case, too.

        -- Markus

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