[Dachs-support] Errors of registration in RofR

Carlos Henrique Brandt carloshenriquebrandt at gmail.com
Fri May 28 11:51:03 CEST 2021

Chloe, Markus,

 Sorry I saw your messages too late (in the evening). If you feel like we
can try again, let me know in advance.

 Anyhow, this morning I took Chloe's issues and did some household on
dachs-on-docker server/postgres repos.

* First, I updated and push DaCHS server version 2.3 to DockerHub (together
with Postgres 11).
* Second, you'll find those images in the (legacy) `chbrandt` repository
[1] but also at
  - https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/gavodachs/server
  - https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/gavodachs/postgres
* Third, Dockerfiles and docs were moved from `chbrandt` user to
`gavodachs` organization:
  - https://github.com/gavodachs

Those moves were made recently to make it cleaner and more
attractive/transparent for Dachs users,
now that dachs-on-docker is apparently becoming something useful.
The move, as always, is a never ending story (parenthesis for a classic:
[2] ;) since I feel docs can be done better,
apart from the containers/compose, use cases, etc.
You're very encouraged to submit pull requests, issues, etc.


[1]: https://hub.docker.com/repository/docker/chbrandt/dachs
[2]: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_NeverEnding_Story_(film)

On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 4:54 PM Markus Demleitner <
msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:

> Hi Chloé,
> On Wed, May 26, 2021 at 10:26:00AM +0200, Chloé Azria wrote:
> > I come to you because I cannot register the server of GEOPS laboratory on
> > the Registry of Registries, I have a lot of errors (listed below).
> The error messages of the RofR are
> >      o oai-1-1:
> >        <http://rofr.ivoa.net/regvalidate/not_available.htm#oai-1-1>
> >        Unexpected HTTP Error : 403 / HTTP/1.1 403 Forbidden
> which really means: Your server denied access to the RofR machine.  I
> wonder why that may be, because it happily serves the data to me, and
> it's looking good.  Hm...
> > The DaCHS server is deployed on docker. As there is not yet a version
> > gavodachs2-server available, it is only the 1.2 version .
> Uhhh, ouch.  1.2 hasn't known about adaptProtocol yet.  But we do
> have a DaCHS2 docker already; see the 2.1 tag on
> https://github.com/gavodachs/docker-dachs#dachs-2.  I think (Carlos?)
> this will pull in 2.3 now, which knows about adaptProtocol, and that
> really helps in your deployment.
> > I think it comes from the reverse-proxy in https. I tried to follow the
> > steps described here
> > https://dachs-doc.readthedocs.io/tutorial.html?#enabling-https
> > <https://dachs-doc.readthedocs.io/tutorial.html?#enabling-https> , but I
> > still have the same errors.
> >
> > It looks like a difficult problem, maybe we can talk directly about it
> on a
> > visio-conference to communicate with less difficulties and share screen ?
> Sure.  Right now, you could drop by at the Interop (the big VO
> conference that's going on right now) gathertown; I'm not always
> there, because there are talks, but if I (Markus) am there, we can
> certainly chat.  Try https://gather.town/app/PuCDQczUl8pfyXH3/ObAS
> However, I think you're mainly struggling with Docker, so I think it
> would make a lot of sense if Carlos were there, too -- Carlos, could
> you perhaps show up in the gathertown at some point and tell Chloé
> when that'd be?
> Thanks,
>            Markus
> --
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> Dachs-support at g-vo.org
> https://lists.g-vo.org/mailman/listinfo/dachs-support

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