[Dachs-support] proxy and adql queries

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue May 11 17:39:53 CEST 2021


On Tue, May 11, 2021 at 04:06:36PM +0200, ChloƩ Azria wrote:
> I deploy DaCHS with Docker on the Mesocentre ESPRI for the Laboratory GEOPS,
> and due to a proxy, we decided to redirect the Vitual Machine Server address
> (percevalastro1.ipsl.polytechnique.fr) to (https://dachs-vo.ipsl.fr) for
> external access.
> But I have a problem, when I interrogate tables from
> (https://dachs-vo.ipsl.fr) with adql queries, it redirects to the wrong site
> (percevalastro1.ipsl.polytechnique.fr) so it fails.
> I have set serverURL: https://dachs-vo.ipsl.fr in the gavo.rc but the issue
> still appens.

This is exactly right.  Just one little thing: When the https
termination is done by the reverse proxy, also set

adaptProtocol: False

or else DaCHS will try to redirect people to https when they already
are and still ask for it.

> Do you know how can I get rid of this problem ?

Given you've configured the thing correctly, I can't really say
what's going wrong, or even where DaCHS would get the
percevalastro1.ipsl.polytechnique.fr name from; I'm pretty sure it
doesn't do reverse DNS anywhere.

So... hm.  Given Docker has this extra level of indirection, could
you make extra sure you've re-made the container (I'm asking because
I once hunted a bug for an hour when I simply hadn't called docker

If that's ok, the only thing I could imagine is a stale gavo.rc
sitting around.  You see, DaCHS reads configuration from both
/etc/gavo.rc and $HOME/.gavorc.  If the wrong host name came from
/root/.gavorc (in docker), that might explain things.

If this sounds far-fetched, we could take it to the next level; DaCHS
lets change where it looks for the configuration.  The variables are
GAVOSETTINGS for /etc/gavo.rc and GAVOCUSTOM for ~/.gavorc (sounds
crazy, but there are good reasons to make them configurable).  So...
can you check whether those are defined within your container?

        -- Markus

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