[Dachs-support] proxy and adql queries

ChloƩ Azria chloe.azria at universite-paris-saclay.fr
Tue May 11 16:06:36 CEST 2021


I deploy DaCHS with Docker on the Mesocentre ESPRI for the Laboratory 
GEOPS, and due to a proxy, we decided to redirect the Vitual Machine 
Server address (percevalastro1.ipsl.polytechnique.fr) to 
(https://dachs-vo.ipsl.fr) for external access.

But I have a problem, when I interrogate tables from 
(https://dachs-vo.ipsl.fr) with adql queries, it redirects to the wrong 
site (percevalastro1.ipsl.polytechnique.fr) so it fails.

I have set serverURL: https://dachs-vo.ipsl.fr in the gavo.rc but the 
issue still appens.

Do you know how can I get rid of this problem ?

Thank you very much,

Best Regards,

Azria ChloƩ

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