[Dachs-support] error in GAVO repository?
Mariangeles Mendoza
ninesmp75 at gmail.com
Wed Apr 7 16:05:05 CEST 2021
Thanks you very much.
I will look into your email carefully.
When we use DACHS for our own data, we are going to use a VM ;-).
Currently, my hands are tied with Docker :-(.
Maria Angeles
On Wed, Apr 7, 2021 at 3:04 PM Markus Demleitner <
msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de> wrote:
> Hi Maria,
> On Wed, Apr 07, 2021 at 01:08:27PM +0200, Mariangeles Mendoza wrote:
> > Following Markus' guidelines, I changed the Dockerfile for the one
> copied
> > below.
> > When I lift the dachs services, I get the following messages in console:
> >
> > -----------------------------------------------------------------
> > services_vo | *** Error: Oops. Unhandled exception
> > OperationalError.
> > services_vo |
> > services_vo | Exception payload: FATAL: role "root" does not
> exist
> > services_vo |
> > services_vo | Updating meta for import
> > --------------------------------------------------------
> The "role 'root' does not exist" presumably is the result of
> gavo init -d 'host=services_db dbname=db'
> in your startup.sh -- it simply means that DaCHS cannot create its
> environment on services_db based on the DSN you're giving it. It
> doesn't need to do that in your special setup, though, because it
> seems you're using a "pre-owned" DB container with all that DaCHS
> needs. And you're giving DaCHS the for that credentials in your COPY
> commands.
> This is... daring for many reasons; in particular re-building the DB
> container will be tricky. If you're hell-bent on using Docker
> (rather than using a proper VM, which I strongly recommend for
> longer-running services), I'd again recommend looking at Carlos'
> two-container docker setup (see below). Perhaps, Carlos, would you
> like to comment here?
> > But when I look in the browser: http://localhost:8080.
> > There is no reference to my tables or services.
> > Only it appears:
> >
> > '''
> > myDATA
> >
> > Please check out our site help.
> > ''''
> >
> > and not like before (with beta version):
> > '''
> > myDATA
> >
> > "In addition to the services listed below, we offer access to numerous
> > tables using TAP or
> > form-based ADQL".
> >
> > Please check out our site help.
> > ''''
> The reference to TAP and ADQL is indeed no longer in the default root
> template, because it was inappropriate for many sites. If you want
> it (or something in that vein) back, check out the templating guide
> and in particular its chapter on overriding the root template
> (http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/templating.html#the-root-template).
> But that your published services are missing is a clear indication of
> an actual problem.
> Here's my reconstruction of what actually happened:
> > startup.sh
> > -------------------------------------------------------
> > gavo init -d 'host=services_db dbname=db'
> This fails as above, as root can't access the DB on services_db; but
> that doesn't hurt because *something* has already brought up DaCHS,
> presumably the package itself, though I cannot see where you install
> it in your dockerfile.
> > gavo imp -m myDATA/vo.rd
> Again, the output above above would indicate that that's run, too.
> > gavo pub myDATA/vo.rd
> This one probably runs, too, but the server that is already up has
> already generated its front page without this.
> dachs pub tries to tell a running server to discard cached front
> pages, but it can only do that if theres a [web]adminpasswd set in
> /etc/gavo.rc, which you probably don't have. Hence, you'd be seeing
> the old front page without services.
> > gavo serve start -f
> That's the weak point of my theory: this would have to error out
> ("*** Error: Someone already listens on the configured port 8080.").
> You're sure you're not seeing this?
> > Is there something wrong?
> Well... basic rule of thumb: If you find yourself using pip on proper
> computers and outside of virtual environments, generally yes :-)
> More seriously: As said above, copying around pieces of configuration
> is at least a rather fragile thing, and since I can't see where you
> get the actual DaCHS code, I can't point at a very specific point
> where things go wrong.
> What I've not worked out yet is why you're not simply installing the
> package, preferably, as I said, into an actual VM, which simplifies
> installation, maintenance, and debugging greatly.
> But if that's *really* not an option for whatever reason, can you
> have another look at Carlos' Dockerfiles from
> https://github.com/gavodachs/docker-dachs?
> I think it'll help everyone if we try to fix any wrinkles that are
> still in those rather than roll-one's-own Docker thing -- in the end
> glueing together database, file system, and VO server is a
> non-trivial effort, and we should see we don't repeat it more often
> than absolutely necessary.
> Thanks,
> Markus
> --
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