[Dachs-support] Linking TAP table to SSAP datalink

Yannick Roehlly yannick.roehlly at lam.fr
Wed Oct 21 16:32:06 CEST 2020

Hi Markus,

Le jeudi 15 octobre 2020, 09:10:11 CEST Markus Demleitner a écrit :
> Umm -- are you asking if you can use the SODA-generated VOTable as
> accref (i.e., as product URL)?  If so, there's a section in the
> reference on exactly this:
> http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/ref.html#datalinks-as-product-urls

For what I understand, this is to use Datalink as a product URL in the Obscore 
table for large product.  This is not what I'm trying to do.

Here are two sample resource descriptors with associated data.  They both 
contain a catalogue with one source (the real ones have many sources of 
course) that is serve with TAP and one spectrum that is served with SSAP. The 
only difference is that the spectrum in test1 is a table one that Topcat can 
open and display, but for test2 the spectrum is an image one that Topcat can't 

I added a link to the spectrum in the catalogue.  That means that when I query 
the catalogue with TAP using Topcat, I can add an “activation action” to the 
table that plots the table linked in the “spectrum_link” column.  Thus, I can 
see the spectrum of each row by clicking on it.

This work for test1, because Topcat handles the table FITS spectrum, but not 
for test2 because the spectrum is and image FITS.

What I'd like to do is, instead of having the link to the FITS file in the 
“spectrum_link”, put a link to the vo-table conversion of the spectrum in it 
to be able to plot it with Topcat.

Thanks for you help,


Radioactive cats have 18 half-lives.
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