[Dachs-support] question about a DaCHS server error
Chris Piker
chris-piker at uiowa.edu
Tue Dec 10 05:01:49 CET 2019
Hi Markus
Just want to add that I'm running from the most recent SVN sources for both
dachs and python2.7, both built from source. Extra modules that
were needed for dachs were gathered using the pip2.7 command that was
compiled along with the interpreter.
I can supply any extra information that may be useful to diagnose the bug.
----- Original Message -----
> From: "Baptiste Cecconi" <baptiste.cecconi at obspm.fr>
> To: "dachs-support" <dachs-support at g-vo.org>
> Cc: "Pierre Le Sidaner" <pierre.lesidaner at obspm.fr>, "chris-piker" <chris-piker at uiowa.edu>
> Sent: Monday, December 9, 2019 3:01:33 PM
> Subject: question about a DaCHS server error
> Hi Markus,
> I'm sitting next to Chris Piker from Iowa, and he is showing me his DaCHS server
> instance, which has a strange bug…
> The server is available at: http://vo.physics.uiowa.edu
> If I query "select * from mex_marsis_ne.epn_core", the query works fine. If I
> add any columns in the select part (e.g. "select obs_id from
> mex_marsis_ne.epn_core"), it breaks with the following error:
>> Please correct the following error(s):
>> • ADQL query : Field query: Could not parse your query: Expected "FROM", found
>> 'm' (at char 19), (line:1, col:20)
> Any idea on what could produce this error ?
> Cheers
> Baptiste
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