[Dachs-support] question about a DaCHS server error

Chris Piker chris-piker at uiowa.edu
Tue Dec 10 18:35:52 CET 2019

----- Original Message -----
> From: "Markus Demleitner" <msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de>
> Sent: Monday, December 9, 2019 11:57:34 PM
> Subject: Re: [Dachs-support] question about a DaCHS server error

> I strogly suspect the central clue is given by Chris in his followup:
>> Just want to add that I'm running from the most recent SVN sources for both
>> dachs and python2.7, both built from source.  Extra modules that
>> were needed for dachs were gathered using the pip2.7 command that was
>> compiled along with the interpreter.
> Whatever pyparsing you get with this procedure could very well have a
> regression (for some meaning of that word) that bites with the
> (obviously fairly complex) ADQL grammar.  Could you downgrade your
> pyparsing to 2.2 (which is what's currently in Debian stable) and see
> if that fixes things?

I'll switch to that version, and see if it takes care of the issue.

> Meanwhile: What's the reason for running from svn?  

The space physics data center and high performance computing group on
campus both run on CentOS 7, as far as I know they don't maintain any
docker instances at this time.  In general I've been building from source
code because it's usually easy and avoids package management purgatory.

> generally only committing code that's passed all the tests, that's of
> course still a big hurdle to continued maintenance compared to
> running from package -- and continued maintainability is one of my
> big goals with DaCHS.  So, if there's a strong reason to run from svn
> that I could perhaps cover otherwise, I'd try to do that.

Would you recommend that I build from a tagged release branch instead?
(I probably should have done so anyway.)  What about this one:


> And, on pretty much this topic, a warning: Some time within the next
> month or so, svn trunk will become the python3-only DaCHS2.

I've setup dachs with it's own python interpreter separate from the
rest of the world.  I can switch it to the version you recommend.


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