[Dachs-support] Pb redirecting DACHS from port 80 (container) to port 8005(host)

Carlos Brandt carloshenriquebrandt at gmail.com
Fri Sep 28 15:46:49 CEST 2018

> I forked it from Carlos work, in order to add some dependencies for our
> services (pyCDF in particular) and use a .env file to manage the
> containers
> (sorry it's not well documented for now but I'm working on it). Just let
> me
> know if you find some things interesting, I can create a pull-request on
> Carlos repo. ;)

 I certainly would like Nathanael! :)
 I took a brief look, you're using version 3, and I like the env schema you
put in place.

 Then, we may want to put some dev lines for outsiders (specially in your
docker-compose which is quite sophisticated); but by all means we can do
that in the future.

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