[Dachs-support] Dachs VO registry and Aladin

Magali Mebsout magali.mebsout at ias.u-psud.fr
Mon Sep 24 10:48:25 CEST 2018

Hello Markus,

Thanks a lot for running an extra harvest for our server. We didn't know 
the frequency of re-harvest for GloTs was /month.
Both tables show in Aladin as independent services now. It worked :)! 
Thank you.

We contacted Tom Donaldson about the registering to the ivoa mailing lists.
I forgot to mention we have the same problem with dachs support 
mail-list (hence my poorly formatted answers). Are our mail still in 
moderation here too?

Thanks again for your time,

Magali Mebsout

*Markus Demleitner*msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de 
/Fri Sep 21 18:38:57 CEST 2018/



On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 11:04:03AM +0200, Magali Mebsout wrote:
>/We implemented you suggestion last week and we haven't seen the />/effects in Aladin yet. /
As to Aladin, Pierre has asked for your original mail, and I think
he'll still answer.

>/We also changed the table descriptions to help finding them with />/the "mars" keyword in topcat but we saw no change there either. /
Oh dang -- sure, I should have recommended that first.  However,
GloTS, the service TOPCAT (still) uses by default, only re-harvests
the TAP schemas every month or so (you see, re-harvesting VizieR
isn't fun, and TAP_SCHEMA doesn't support incremental harvesting;
this is one reason for why I'm pushing so hard for the adoption of

But I've just made an extra GloTS harvest for your server.  In
TOPCAT's TAP dialog, searches for both mars express and omega now
bring up your service.  I suspect Aladin should follow suit soon.

>/There are, on the other hand, our two tables listed in theGavo Web 
Interface />/to the Relational Registry 
<http://dc.zah.uni-heidelberg.de/wirr/q/ui/fixed> />/(cf tables_gavo_registry.png). />/Is that a good sign and shall we wait longer to see the changes or />/did we miss a step in publishing these tables as independent />/services? /
That's a good sign in general, because the publication has worked.
Granted, at this point (as long as clients don't do much with the
auxiliary capabilities), that good sign isn't worth much in practice.

>/PS : We both registered to the vo registry and applications lists />/but didn't receive your answers in our emails.  It looks like we />/haven't been approved yet. Is there something we have to do about />/this ? /
Hm.  Checking the archives,http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/apps/,
it seems your mail really didn't get through. It's likely your mail
is still in moderation, and since there's not a whole lot of
moderation to be done for apps, I guess asking the moderator (Tom
Donaldson,tdonaldson at stsci.edu 
<http://lists.g-vo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dachs-support>) if he could look into matters might
be a good idea.

           -- Markus


Magali Mebsout
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Université Paris Sud (France)

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