[Dachs-support] dachs error
Carlos Brandt
carloshenriquebrandt at gmail.com
Thu Sep 20 17:15:33 CEST 2018
Hi Nathanael
Today Markus has helped me with the Docker containers adjustments (To be
fair, Markus did the hard work).
The bottom line is that when using Postgres version 9.6 the issue goes
You may find the new/updated version of the Dockerfiles in the repo (
Accordingly, the images chbrandt/dachs:server and
chbrandt/dachs:postgres were also updated.
What was *not* updated was `docker-compose.yml`, it was done a long time
ago and looks like it needs some cleanup.
This should *not* block you at all, since (I'd like to remind) the
"compose" is just an interface to instantiating the images individually --
as indicated in
If you, though, have a fresh/up-to-date knowledge of the docker-compose
schema, I'd be happy to merge your lines.
Let me/us know how it works on your side.
On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 2:58 PM Carlos Brandt <
carloshenriquebrandt at gmail.com> wrote:
> Markus and Nathanael,
> I don't have the solution, but would like to share some thoughts with you
> now that read through mails, github, docs and refreshed the whole
> dachs/docker schema.
> First, a note that may help Nathanael in handling the containers:
> =====
> The "docker-compose" thing is effectively the same as [1]:
> ```
> (host)$ docker run -dt --name postgres chbrandt/dachs:postgres
> (host)$ docker run -dt --name dachs --link postgres -p 80:80 chbrandt/dachs:server
> ```
> (where we don't see postgres' port (5432) being explicitly linked but
> `docker --link` is taking care of that).
> Docker-compose is just wrapping those two lines.
> Working with each container/server separately may give us more
> flexibility: it is the same as working with two different server/machines.
> On the other hand, I also provide a "all-in-one" container where DaCHS
> and PostgreSQL are put together -- like most of the DaCHS setups out there
> (I guess). Such image can be run through:
> ```
> (host)$ docker run -it -p 80:80 chbrandt/dachs:latest
> ```
> [1]
> https://github.com/chbrandt/docker-dachs#user-content-further-ways-of-running-dachs
> =====
> Second, an observation that hopefully will help Markus (cause I could not
> so far):
> =====
> When I run the DaCHS and PostgreSQL (the 'release' version) in the same
> box (my "all-in-one" container) everything works just fine.
> But when I have them in different containers (also the 'release' version),
> using the pair of lines written above, `gavo import <bla.rd>` will crash
> with:
> ```
> Create index Primary key on threehsp.main
> Create index main_q3c_main
> *X*X* Uncaught exception at toplevel
> *** Error: Oops. Unhandled exception ProgrammingError.
> Exception payload: function q3c_ang2ipix(double precision, double
> precision) does not exist LINE 2: q3c_ang2ipix(ra, dec)
> ^
> HINT: No function matches the given name and argument types. You
> might need to add explicit type casts.
> ```
> =====
> Hopefully, those two observations will shine some light on this issue.
> Best,
> Carlos
> On Tue, Sep 18, 2018 at 11:39 AM Nathanaël Jourdane <njourdane at irap.omp.eu>
> wrote:
>> Le lundi 17 septembre 2018, 17:14:59 CEST Carlos Brandt a écrit :
>> > Nathanael, I will follow your directions. Please, could you re-post
>> those
>> > links Markus told about, please?
>> You can see the "local_build" branch of my fork of your repository
>> <https://github.com/roipoussiere/docker-dachs/tree/local_build>.
>> I just added 2 commits:
>> - the first one
>> <https://github.com/roipoussiere/docker-dachs/commit/20042a82d6bbcdc9db6cedfddfad287631e3f359>
>> is used to build the images locally and not from docker hub, to be able to
>> work on them, and works well;
>> - the second one
>> <https://github.com/roipoussiere/docker-dachs/commit/97c8addf8cc3d72383198f8d6a326b25fe23a5db>
>> is used to highlight the problem, by just replacing the dachs version from
>> stable to release in the Dockerfiles, and this one doesn't work.
>> You can also look at the docker logs, in comment under both commits.
>> --
>> Nathanaël Jourdane
>> Développeur
>> IRAP - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie
>> 9 avenue du Colonel Roche - 31028 Toulouse cedex 4
>> +33(0)
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------
> Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's
Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's
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