[Dachs-support] dachs error

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Tue Sep 18 09:11:27 CEST 2018


On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 04:03:29PM +0200, Markus Nullmeier wrote:
> On 17/09/18 15:08, Nathanaël Jourdane wrote:
> > Le lundi 17 septembre 2018, 14:33:08 CEST Markus Demleitner a écrit :
> >> I would suspect that somehow the pgsphere package doesn't get
> >> installed (or perhaps initialised).  
> > pgsphere and q3c are installed on the postgres container, but I think that for some reason 
> > the containers are not correctly linked.
> Which version of Q3C is installed?
> I am asking because the latest version of Q3C (the one you get from
> https://github.com/segasai/q3c/releases ) must be installed via
> "create extension q3c;", rather than executing postgresql/contrib/q3c.sql
>  -- the latter was however required for older Q3C versions, and maybe
> DaCHS tries only that:

No, if q3c will be called q3c, this should work automatically.  But
I don't think anyone has packaged the new q3c yet, so I'd get against
fairly high odds that'd not what causes this warning:

> > myDachs     | /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/gavo/user/initdachs.py:315: UserWarning: 
> > SQL script file for /usr/share/postgresql/contrib/q3c.sql not found.  There are many 
> > reasons why that may be ok, but unless you know what you are doing, you probably 
> > should install the corresponding postgres extension.
> > myDachs     |   " extension."%scriptPath)

*That* message comes, I suspect, because q3c is missing in the DaCHS
container.  So, Carlos, we need to pull it into that container, too,
until we have a new-style q3c.

Background: As Markus N. said, old-style postgres extensions need
scripts executed to acquaint the database with the functions provided
by the libraries.  Whatever creates the extensions needs to be able to
read these scripts.  As in this case that's dachs init, you need
postgresql-x.y-q3c installed *in the DaCHS container*.  This sucks,
because it pulls postgres after it, but I'm afraid that can't be
helped until the q3c package is updated to the new package (where
everything happens database server-side).

But that's not the reason for Nathanael's main trouble.  There,
pgsphere doesn't get initialised, and that already uses the new-style
extension API.  Hence, something else must be going on.

        -- Markus

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