[Dachs-support] Key (table_name)=(xxx.epn_core) already, exists.

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Fri Sep 28 08:41:47 CEST 2018

Hi Sebastian,

On Thu, Sep 27, 2018 at 06:26:26PM +0200, Sebastian Walter wrote:
> After a while, I try to update my service data table, but even if I just
> leave everything as it was before, I get the error that my table already
> exists. I do not remember that I had to delete my data table, but I did an
> gavo update in the meantime.
> The exact error message from my "gavo imp q.rd" is:
> Exception payload: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
> "tables_pkey" DETAIL:  Key (table_name)=(fub_wms.epn_core) already
> exists.

I had expected that to be in my list of common problems with DaCHS,
but surprisingly, it wasnt.

So, I've written up 


which now reads:

  This typically happens on ``dachs imp``.  The immediate reason is that
  ``dachs imp`` tries to insert a metadata row for one of the tables it
  just created into the ``dc.tablemeta`` system table, but a row for that
  name is already present.  For instance, if you're importing into
  ``arihip.main``, DaCHS would like to note that the new table's
  definition can be found at ``arihip/q#main``. Now, if ``dc.tablemeta``
  already says ``arihip.main`` was defined in ``quicktest/q#main``,
  there's a problem that DaCHS can't resolve by itself.

  90% of the time, the underlying reason is that you renamed an RD (or a
  resource directory).  Since the identifier of an RD (the RD id) is just
  is relative path of the RD to the inputs directory (minus the ``.rd``),
  and the RD id is used in many places in DaCHS, you have to be careful
  when you do that (essentially: ``dachs drop --all old/rd; mv old new;
  dachs imp new/rd``).

  If you're seeing the above message, it's already too late for that
  careful way.  The simple way to repair things nevertheless is to look
  for the table name (it should be given in the DETAILS of the error
  message) and simply tell DaCHS to forget all about that table::

    dachs purge arigfh.main

  This might leave other traces of the renamed RD in the system, which
  might lead to trouble later.  If you want to be a bit more throrough,
  figure out the RD id of the vanished RD by running ``psql gavo`` and
  asking something like::

    select sourcerd from dc.tablemeta where tablename='arihip.main'

  This will give you the RD id of the RD that magically vanished, and you
  can then say::

    dachs drop -f old/rdid

  DaCHS will then hunt down all traces of the old RD and delete them.

  Don't do this without an acute need; such radical measures will clean up
  DaCHS' mind, but in a connected society, amnesia can be a strain on the
  rest of the society.  In the VO case, ``dachs drop -f`` might, for
  instance, cause stale registry records if you had registered services
  inside of the RD you force-drop.

I notice it's gotten a bit too long, but is that at least understandable?

Suggestions for improvement always welcome...

       -- Markus

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