[Dachs-support] Pb redirecting DACHS from port 80 (container) to port 8005(host)

Nathanaël Jourdane njourdane at irap.omp.eu
Wed Sep 26 10:10:04 CEST 2018


Le lundi 24 septembre 2018, 13:37:40 CEST Markus Demleitner a écrit :
> >  1) As Markus said, you have to effectively define "localhost:8005"  in
> > DaCHS/GAVO settings;
> >  2) Also, your container must now EXPOSE 8005;
> >  3) And you'll want to bind host's 8005 to container's 8005 (-p8005:8005).
> Uh, you *can* do that, but you don't *have to*.  The port DaCHS
> listens to is independent of what serverURL says, and that's by
> design, exactly because there's all kinds of proxing solutions.

I can confirm that it works when you expose the internal port on 80, it's ok 
if you specify the correct url:port on gavo settings.

If necessary you can take a look at the actual docker-compose / dockerfiles I 
use: https://gitlab.irap.omp.eu/njourdane/VO_DaCHS/tree/master

I forked it from Carlos work, in order to add some dependencies for our 
services (pyCDF in particular) and use a .env file to manage the containers 
(sorry it's not well documented for now but I'm working on it). Just let me 
know if you find some things interesting, I can create a pull-request on 
Carlos repo. ;)

Nathanaël Jourdane
IRAP - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie
9 avenue du Colonel Roche - 31028 Toulouse cedex 4
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