[Dachs-support] Dachs on a port different from 80

Nathanaël Jourdane njourdane at irap.omp.eu
Fri Sep 21 17:00:22 CEST 2018

Le vendredi 21 septembre 2018, 16:28:54 CEST Baptiste Cecconi a écrit :
> I think this issue has been discussed during VESPA providers tutorials and
> is probably also discussed in the VESPA tutorial page. As far as I
> remember, you have to configure your dachs server internally with this
> port, if not, it will not work.

Yes, apparently there is a redirection used on several links.
For instance "/adql" -> "__system__/adql/query/form".

...but this is a permanent redirection, so our browser store this in cache, 
and if later we change url or port, the target url is not updated.

Nathanaël Jourdane
IRAP - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie
9 avenue du Colonel Roche - 31028 Toulouse cedex 4
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