[Dachs-support] Dachs VO registry and Aladin
Magali Mebsout
magali.mebsout at ias.u-psud.fr
Fri Sep 21 11:04:03 CEST 2018
Hello Markus,
Thank you for your answer.
We implemented you suggestion last week and we haven't seen the effects in Aladin yet.
We also changed the table descriptions to help finding them with the "mars" keyword in topcat but we saw no change there either.
There are, on the other hand, our two tables listed in theGavo Web Interface to the Relational Registry
<http://dc.zah.uni-heidelberg.de/wirr/q/ui/fixed> (cf tables_gavo_registry.png).
Is that a good sign and shall we wait longer to see the changes or did we miss a step in publishing these tables as independent services?
Thank you for your time.
Karin and Magali
PS : We both registered to the vo registry and applications lists but didn't receive your answers in our emails.
It looks like we haven't been approved yet. Is there something we have to do about this ?
*Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de****Thu Sep 13 20:48:50 CEST 2018***
Hi all,
On Thu, Sep 13, 2018 at 05:45:14PM +0200, Karin Dassas wrote:
>/Our problem is that the VO Registry created by Dachs doesn't />/publish the names or description of the tables as independent. The />/drawback being that, when Aladin is collecting information about />/our service, all it reads is generic information about IDOC and not />/about the data. /
For apps: The background of this is the Proposed Endorsed Note on
Discovering Data Collections,
(which really is a Registry thing, but connected to Apps because, as
Pierre will testify, presenting data collections discovered is a bit
of a challenge).
Pierre, can you comment on the implementation status of that in
Aladin? Or should the GloTS workaround help (in which case: why
didn't it work for Karin et al?)
The rest of this is a DaCHS-specific -- let's keep any further
discussion on anything below this on dachs-support.
>/Therefore when searching for ???Omega??? or ???Mars" in Aladin's />/collection our services aren't listed but when we search for idoc />/they are. />/We would like to see the table names instead of ???idoc-dachs TAP />/service??? in the Aladin tree (cf image). />//>/We would like to know if someone else had the same problem and if />/they could offer a workaround. /
Well, I've had this problem for a long, long time, which is why I
wrote the PEN I've cited above. The good news is: you don't need to
read it.
Just write, as a child of a table element,
(if unsure:
http://svn.ari.uni-heidelberg.de/svn/gavo/hdinputs/urat1/q.rd has an
example) and then execute
dachs pub q
(or whatever the name of your RD is) on the shell. Changes will take
a day or so to propagate.
-- Markus
Le 13/09/2018 à 17:45, Karin Dassas a écrit :
> Dear all,
> At IDOC (IAS) we have a VM with Dachs to publish TAP Services.
> We have two tables published by this Dachs instance :
> Omega_maps.epn_core and Omega_cubes.epn_core, other tables will be
> added soon.
> Our problem is that the VO Registry created by Dachs doesn't publish
> the names or description of the tables as independent. The drawback
> being that, when Aladin is collecting information about our service,
> all it reads is generic information about IDOC and not about the data.
> Therefore when searching for “Omega” or “Mars" in Aladin's collection
> our services aren't listed but when we search for idoc they are.
> We would like to see the table names instead of “idoc-dachs TAP
> service” in the Aladin tree (cf image).
> We would like to know if someone else had the same problem and if they
> could offer a workaround.
> Thank you for your time
> Karin and Magali
> ---
> Karin Dassas
> Integrated Data and Operation Center (IDOC)
> Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
> Bat 121 - Université Paris-Sud - 91405 ORSAY cedex
> Phone: +33(1)69 85 87 23
Magali Mebsout
Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale
Université Paris Sud (France)
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