[Dachs-support] dachs error

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Mon Sep 17 14:33:08 CEST 2018

Hi Carlos, mainly,

I'm not sure if you're on dachs-support -- if not, here's the story:  
Nathanaƫl tried to follow your docker recipe and updated it (this
should be upstream) to use our "release" rather than "stable" repo
(we changed that a while ago, and I'll soon tear down stable because
the software served from there not only is stinky and old but has a
known information leak).

But, sure enough, the stuff broke.  From the error message he got,

  psycopg2.ProgrammingError: type spoint does not exist

I would suspect that somehow the pgsphere package doesn't get
installed (or perhaps initialised).  That's a bit odd -- did you use
any odd workarounds way back when?

Do you have a moment to look into this or should I start digging?

...and on the rest...

On Mon, Sep 17, 2018 at 10:18:03AM +0200, njourdane wrote:
> Sure, just follow the links I've posted: the full error messages are in
> comment! :) 

Yeah, but I don't like web browsers that manage to display the abyss
of javascript and weirdness that is github's web interface (there are
few enough of them), so I tend to avoid following links there if I
can help it.  And either way, good ol' inline text is preferred any



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