[Dachs-support] dachs error

Nathanaël Jourdane njourdane at irap.omp.eu
Fri Sep 7 17:18:39 CEST 2018

Le vendredi 7 septembre 2018, 16:29:39 CEST Markus Demleitner a écrit :

> Same thing: dachs init magic missing.  You see, it's not enough to
> have the postgres extensions binaries, you also need to acquaint each
> database you create (DaCHS, of course, only has one, gavo) with what
> functions there are.
> For new-style extensions like modern pgsphere, this works using

Yes, I discovered that yesterday evening. ;)

> q3c hasn't been updated yet as far as I remember,
> so there you have to source a certain script.

The command CREATE EXTENSION works well with q3c.

> Re-building all that
> logic certainly isn't worth it, so -- just run dachs init, it will
> (in this case hopefully, as it's fragile enough as is) do what's
> necessary.

Ok. So since I use a dedicated container for postgresql, I just want to know where to 
enter the database address (in my case it will be something like "postgres://db:5432"), 
before executing dachs init.

Thank you!

Nathanaël Jourdane
IRAP - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie
9 avenue du Colonel Roche - 31028 Toulouse cedex 4
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