[Dachs-support] Key (table_name)=(xxx.epn_core) already,exists.

Sebastian Walter sebastian.walter at fu-berlin.de
Thu Sep 27 18:26:26 CEST 2018

Dear Markus

After a while, I try to update my service data table, but even if I just 
leave everything as it was before, I get the error that my table already 
exists. I do not remember that I had to delete my data table, but I did 
an gavo update in the meantime.

The exact error message from my "gavo imp q.rd" is:

One or more of the following rows clashed: [{'description': u'EPN-TAP 
access to HRSC level 3 image data', 'utype': 
u'ivo://vopdc.obspm/std/epncore#schema-2.0', 'table_type': u'table', 
'table_name': u'fub_wms.epn_core', 'table_index': None, 'sourceRD': 
u'fub_wms/q', 'schema_name': u'fub_wms'}]
*X*X* Uncaught exception at toplevel
*** Error: Oops.  Unhandled exception IntegrityError.

Exception payload: duplicate key value violates unique constraint
"tables_pkey" DETAIL:  Key (table_name)=(fub_wms.epn_core) already

I hwarvested the gavo help system but couldn't find a switch for 
overwriting my existing table.

What do I do wrong? Thanks for your help!

gavo --version
Software (1.2) Schema (16/16)


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