[Dachs-support] Dachs-support Digest, Vol 26, Issue 12

Raphael Shirley Raphael.Shirley at sussex.ac.uk
Mon Sep 24 15:26:31 CEST 2018


I am about to submit a paper describing data that we are distributing 
with a VO server running GAVO/DACHS. Do you have a citation that we 
should include?

Many thanks,


On 24/09/2018 11:00, dachs-support-request at g-vo.org wrote:
> Send Dachs-support mailing list submissions to
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> When replying, please edit your Subject line so it is more specific
> than "Re: Contents of Dachs-support digest..."
> Today's Topics:
>     1. Re: Dachs VO registry and Aladin (Magali Mebsout)
>     2. Re: Pb redirecting DACHS from port 80 (container)	to port
>        8005(host) (Carlos Brandt)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Mon, 24 Sep 2018 10:48:25 +0200
> From: Magali Mebsout <magali.mebsout at ias.u-psud.fr>
> To: Karin Dassas <karin.dassas at ias.u-psud.fr>, dachs-support at g-vo.org
> Subject: Re: [Dachs-support] Dachs VO registry and Aladin
> Message-ID: <0ac2d555-2a77-c4a0-beb2-eadc5b19c554 at ias.u-psud.fr>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"; Format="flowed"
> Hello Markus,
> Thanks a lot for running an extra harvest for our server. We didn't know
> the frequency of re-harvest for GloTs was /month.
> Both tables show in Aladin as independent services now. It worked :)!
> Thank you.
> We contacted Tom Donaldson about the registering to the ivoa mailing lists.
> I forgot to mention we have the same problem with dachs support
> mail-list (hence my poorly formatted answers). Are our mail still in
> moderation here too?
> Thanks again for your time,
> Magali Mebsout
> *Markus Demleitner*msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
> <mailto:dachs-support%40g-vo.org?Subject=Re%3A%20%5BDachs-support%5D%20Dachs%20VO%20registry%20and%20Aladin&In-Reply-To=%3C20180921163857.cb6dycgkhs576si5%40victor%3E>
> /Fri Sep 21 18:38:57 CEST 2018/
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Magali,
> On Fri, Sep 21, 2018 at 11:04:03AM +0200, Magali Mebsout wrote:
>> /We implemented you suggestion last week and we haven't seen the />/effects in Aladin yet. /
> As to Aladin, Pierre has asked for your original mail, and I think
> he'll still answer.
>> /We also changed the table descriptions to help finding them with />/the "mars" keyword in topcat but we saw no change there either. /
> Oh dang -- sure, I should have recommended that first.  However,
> GloTS, the service TOPCAT (still) uses by default, only re-harvests
> the TAP schemas every month or so (you see, re-harvesting VizieR
> isn't fun, and TAP_SCHEMA doesn't support incremental harvesting;
> this is one reason for why I'm pushing so hard for the adoption of
> discovercollections).
> But I've just made an extra GloTS harvest for your server.  In
> TOPCAT's TAP dialog, searches for both mars express and omega now
> bring up your service.  I suspect Aladin should follow suit soon.
>> /There are, on the other hand, our two tables listed in theGavo Web
> Interface />/to the Relational Registry
> <http://dc.zah.uni-heidelberg.de/wirr/q/ui/fixed> />/(cf tables_gavo_registry.png). />/Is that a good sign and shall we wait longer to see the changes or />/did we miss a step in publishing these tables as independent />/services? /
> That's a good sign in general, because the publication has worked.
> Granted, at this point (as long as clients don't do much with the
> auxiliary capabilities), that good sign isn't worth much in practice.
>> /PS : We both registered to the vo registry and applications lists />/but didn't receive your answers in our emails. ?It looks like we />/haven't been approved yet. Is there something we have to do about />/this ? /
> Hm.  Checking the archives,http://mail.ivoa.net/pipermail/apps/,
> it seems your mail really didn't get through. It's likely your mail
> is still in moderation, and since there's not a whole lot of
> moderation to be done for apps, I guess asking the moderator (Tom
> Donaldson,tdonaldson at stsci.edu
> <http://lists.g-vo.org/cgi-bin/mailman/listinfo/dachs-support>) if he could look into matters might
> be a good idea.
>             -- Markus

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