[Dachs-support] Pb redirecting DACHS from port 80 (container) to port 8005(host)

Carlos Brandt carloshenriquebrandt at gmail.com
Mon Sep 24 11:37:52 CEST 2018

Hi Michel

 Yes, it is exactly what Markus had already figured out (and was not
crystal clear to me).
 Thank you.

 1) As Markus said, you have to effectively define "localhost:8005"  in
DaCHS/GAVO settings;
 2) Also, your container must now EXPOSE 8005;
 3) And you'll want to bind host's 8005 to container's 8005 (-p8005:8005).

Regarding item "1" above, if you take the `all-in-one`  branch from `
github.com/chbrandt/docker-dachs`, you can have gavo settings modified in


On Mon, Sep 24, 2018 at 11:14 AM Michel Gangloff <
Michel.Gangloff at irap.omp.eu> wrote:

> Message: 7
> Date: Sat, 22 Sep 2018 11:19:29 +0200
> From: Carlos Brandt <carloshenriquebrandt at gmail.com>
> Cc: dachs-support at g-vo.org
> Subject: Re: [Dachs-support] Dachs on a port different from 80
> Message-ID:
> <CAFXUCRU5xVoWGUxEEeKBWUGb6st-4G06v_5v0Fz1pG7+nZ43pQ at mail.gmail.com>
> Content-Type: text/plain; charset="utf-8"
> >>Michel
> >>Could you expand the following sentences:
> >>For tests purpose, I want to use port 8005 instead of 80 , i.e. declare
> >>everything with port 80, but use ? -p8005:80 ? in the docker run command
> Everything is fine until I want to issue an ADQL query to a published
> >>service , from the following page :
> >>In particular, "declare everything with port 80" (what is "everything"?).
> >>What is the actual command/interface you want/need to have in place?
> []
> >>Carlos
> Carlos,
> Let me try to be clearer :
> I want to run DACHS in a Docker container with :
> 1- EXPOSE 80 in the Dockerfile used to build the image
> 2- serverURL: http://localhost   in /etc/gavo.rc
> This way, DACHS runs on port 80 in the container , but in the docker run
> command , I redirect port 80 of the container to port 8005 on the host (
> option -p8005:80 )
> Then, when DACHS is running in the container , I can load the page
> http://localhost:8005 , but I have problems with the ADQL link as exposed
> in previous messages
> ( Yes, apparently there is a redirection used on several links.
> For instance "/adql" -> "__system__/adql/query/form".
> ...but this is a permanent redirection, so our browser store this in
> cache,
> and if later we change url or port, the target url is not updated.)
> Michel

Your choices are half chance, so are everybody else's
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