[Dachs-support] custom grammar on obscore tables
Nathanaƫl Jourdane
njourdane at irap.omp.eu
Thu Nov 8 17:55:07 CET 2018
Le vendredi 26 octobre 2018, 15:45:14 CET Markus Demleitner a écrit :
> EPN-TAP and obscore work quite differently -- the main reason for
> this is that a data center can have many epn-tap tables, whereas it
> can only have one obscore table. Hence, at least in DaCHS,
> ivoa.obscore is always a view, whereas epn-tap tables are normally
> actual tables.
> Another reason obscore is different is that at least historically,
> you'd first build SIAP (images) or SSAP (spectra and time series)
> services, and then just map the underlying tables into the obscore
> view. Hence, the actual import was (well, is) done through mixins
> and procDefs from siap and ssap, and there are no import helpers
> outside of them.
> So -- if what you have is celestial images or spectra, build SIAP or
> SSAP services as by the tutorials, and then simply use the
> corresponding mixins on the tables.
> If it's something else, don't despair -- what the tuturial said about
> "pure" obscore tables was just a bit hidden until now. I've introduced
> a new section header, so there's now
> http://docs.g-vo.org/DaCHS/tutorial.html#pure-obscore-tables
> Does that help already? As always, questions on this stuff help me
> improve the documentation.
Thank you Markus.
So, I started to use SSAP successfully, and now I want to use obscore among with SSAP, using the //obscore#publishSSAPHCD mixin.
I got this error message:
2018-11-08 16:27:20.681 UTC [71] gavoadmin at gavo ERROR: relation "ivoa._obscoresources" does not exist at character 13
2018-11-08 16:27:20.681 UTC [71] gavoadmin at gavo STATEMENT: DELETE FROM ivoa._obscoresources WHERE tableName='cade.obs_core'
Apparently, it comes from line 420 on obscore mixin:
<script id="removeTableFromObscoreSources" lang="python" type="beforeDrop"
name="remove table from obscore sources">
from gavo import rsc
* "DELETE FROM ivoa._obscoresources WHERE tableName='\qName'")*
# importing this table may take a long time, and we don't want
# to have obscore offline for so long; so, we immediately recreate
# it.
Any idea?
Thank you.
Nathanaël Jourdane
IRAP - Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et Planétologie
9 avenue du Colonel Roche - 31028 Toulouse cedex 4
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