[Dachs-support] permission denied for schema after run imp for the first time

Carlos Adean carlosadean at linea.gov.br
Fri Jan 19 13:22:17 CET 2018

Hi Markus,

Some schemes have more than one table and adql=False was the reason.

Many thanks!

> PS: There is a snag in this system that I should warn against here, I
> guess.  Schema permissions are determined *by RD*: If there is at
> least one table in the RD with adql="True", the schema is made
> untrusted-readable, otherwise it is made untrusted-unreadable.  This
> scheme breaks when there are two RDs for one schema, where one has
> adql tables and the other doesn't.  I could *probably* put in a sane
> behaviour nevertheless based on in-DB table metadata, but for now
> it's not there, so: just use exactly one RD per schema and don't
> worry.

Carlos Adean
IT Team
skype: carlosadean

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