[Dachs-support] Spherepoly line segment overlap

Sebastian Walter sebastian.walter at fu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 4 18:05:01 CET 2018

On 01/04/2018 03:59 PM, Sebastian Walter wrote:

> Thanks for the thorough explanation and the python example, which I'm 
> able to adapt. How do I get the footprints from the CSV (as a python 
> list) into the @poly variable? Do I have to create a rowmaker variable?
> The message of gavo imp is always:
> simplify_polygon: While executing simplify_polygon in None: string
> index out of range
OK this problem is easily solved by using json.loads for importing the 
string. This way I was able to implement your solution but the import is 
again complaining for more severe cases (overlapping polygon). I will 
include a validation routine and skip the records which have 
self-overlapping polygons for now.

Thanks again for your help, Markus!


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