[Dachs-support] Spherepoly line segment overlap

Sebastian Walter sebastian.walter at fu-berlin.de
Thu Jan 4 15:59:06 CET 2018

Hi Markus,

On 01/04/2018 10:35 AM, Markus Demleitner wrote:

>      <code>
>        # assuming data comes in as [(long, lat), ...] in degrees in "poly"
>        # change as necessary.
>        points = @poly
>        dali_poly = [points[0][0], points[1][1]]
>        for p in points[1:]:
>          if getGCDist((dali_poly[-1][0], dali_poly[-1][1]), p)>min_dist:
>        		dali_poly.extend(p)
>        @s_region = pgsphere.SPoly.fromDALI(newpoints)
>      </code>
>    </apply>

Thanks for the thorough explanation and the python example, which I'm 
able to adapt. How do I get the footprints from the CSV (as a python 
list) into the @poly variable? Do I have to create a rowmaker variable?
The message of gavo imp is always:
simplify_polygon: While executing simplify_polygon in None: string
index out of range

The other option for me would be to include your python code in my 
export script from the PostGIS database, but I would rather complete 
this thread and keep it in q.rd.

Thanks for any help!


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