[Dachs-support] permission denied for schema after run imp for the first time

Carlos Adean carlosadean at linea.gov.br
Wed Jan 17 17:40:58 CET 2018

Hi Markus,

I have been experiencing some permission issues with untrusted user. I really do not know when it started.

I think something is broke in our DaCHS installation, maybe after the last update (on June 2016).

After importing a new schema/table the user untrusted has no permission to usage the schema and I have to set it manually.

In the example below the schema cas does not exist yet.

$ gavo imp -v cas/q.rd 
Making data None
Starting /opt/dachs/inputs/cas/data/desdb.csv
Done /opt/dachs/inputs/cas/data/desdb.csv, read 999
Shipped 999/999
Rows affected: 999
** WARNING: Could not update timestamp on RD cas/q

$ psql -h desdb -U untrusted gavo

gavo=> select * from cas.get_pointings limit 10;
ERROR:  permission denied for schema cas
LINE 1: select * from cas.get_pointings limit 10;

$ gavo --version
Software (0.9.7) Schema (14/14)

How can I fix it?


Carlos Adean
IT Team
skype: carlosadean

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