[Dachs-support] [itteam] gavo import lock

carlosadean at linea.gov.br carlosadean at linea.gov.br
Wed Nov 9 18:23:58 CET 2016

Have you got a chance to check my last email?

thank you,

Carlos Adean
IT Team
skype: carlosadean

----- Mensagem original -----
De: carlosadean at linea.gov.br
Para: "Markus Demleitner" <msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de>
Cc: dachs-support at g-vo.org
Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2016 14:27:11
Assunto: Re: [Dachs-support] [itteam] gavo import lock


----- Mensagem original -----
> De: "Markus Demleitner" <msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de>
> Para: dachs-support at g-vo.org
> Enviadas: Segunda-feira, 7 de novembro de 2016 13:00:50
> Assunto: Re: [Dachs-support] [itteam] gavo import lock
> Ok, so it's fine that the machine tries to add the column_index.  I
> don't understand why it's already there, though.  Postgres Manual
> 13.5 says "the table-rewriting forms of ALTER TABLE, are not
> MVCC-safe" but then goes on to say that concurrent transactions would
> only see an empty table, not that a rollback wouldn't take effect.
> And a quick:
> gavo=# begin;
> gavo=# alter table tap_schema.columns add column junk smallint;
> gavo=# rollback;

gavo=# \d tap_schema.columns
     Table "tap_schema.columns"
    Column    |   Type   | Modifiers 
 table_name   | text     | not null
 column_name  | text     | not null
 description  | text     | 
 unit         | text     | 
 ucd          | text     | 
 utype        | text     | 
 datatype     | text     | 
 size         | integer  | 
 principal    | integer  | not null
 indexed      | integer  | not null
 std          | integer  | not null
 sourcerd     | text     | 
 column_index | smallint | 
    "columns_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (table_name, column_name)

gavo=# begin;
gavo=# alter table tap_schema.columns add column junk smallint;
gavo=# rollback;

gavo=# \d tap_schema.columns
     Table "tap_schema.columns"
    Column    |   Type   | Modifiers 
 table_name   | text     | not null
 column_name  | text     | not null
 description  | text     | 
 unit         | text     | 
 ucd          | text     | 
 utype        | text     | 
 datatype     | text     | 
 size         | integer  | 
 principal    | integer  | not null
 indexed      | integer  | not null
 std          | integer  | not null
 sourcerd     | text     | 
 column_index | smallint | 
    "columns_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (table_name, column_name)

> confirms that the column shouldn't be there.  I'll take this as a
> data point and try to trigger an analogous problem next time gavo
> upgrade needs a schema change.
> Meanwhile: if you run
> alter table tap_schema.columns drop column column_index
> in psql gavo, the upgrade should run (when the faulty RDs are gone,
> that is).

gavo=# ALTER TABLE tap_schema.columns DROP COLUMN column_index;

gavo=# \d tap_schema.columns
    Table "tap_schema.columns"
   Column    |  Type   | Modifiers 
 table_name  | text    | not null
 column_name | text    | not null
 description | text    | 
 unit        | text    | 
 ucd         | text    | 
 utype       | text    | 
 datatype    | text    | 
 size        | integer | 
 principal   | integer | not null
 indexed     | integer | not null
 std         | integer | not null
 sourcerd    | text    | 
    "columns_pkey" PRIMARY KEY, btree (table_name, column_name)

[gavo at devel2 ~]$ gavo upgrade
>  Adding column_index column to TAP_SCHEMA.columns...  ok
> ingesting column_index for TAP-published tables....** WARNING: Column name 'size' conincides with a ADQL/SQL reserved name.  This may lead to serious trouble later.  Please consider changing the name, or prepend quoted/ to make it a delimited identifier.
** WARNING: Somwhere near /opt/dachs/inputs/cluster/mag_auto_10023232_i.rd, (16, 51):  Column pixel may be null but has no explicit null value.
** WARNING: RD cluster/mag_auto_10023232_i couldn't be loaded (Element with id u'tilename' could not be located in parse context).  Fix and run gavo imp -m on it to get column indices in TAP_SCHEMA
*X*X* Uncaught exception at toplevel
*** Error: Oops.  Unhandled exception UnboundLocalError.

Exception payload: local variable 'rd' referenced before assignment

Now I can see another error message and the column_index wasn't re-created.


Carlos Adean
IT Team
skype: carlosadean

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