[Dachs-support] unknown data type 'L' in FITS booster

Markus Demleitner msdemlei at ari.uni-heidelberg.de
Thu Nov 17 08:26:23 CET 2016


On Wed, Nov 16, 2016 at 05:56:12PM -0200, carlosadean at linea.gov.br wrote:
> But I have new small issue. I'm trying to generate the booster but
> the fits has a unknown data type 'L' in the header, it's a boolean
> value.
> [gavo at devel2 inputs [master]]$ gavo mkboost sample/s.rd#booster > sample/res/boosterfunc.c
> *** Error: FITS type 'L' of SNX3 not handled by gavo mkboost; add
> handling if you can.

Disclaimer: It's been a while since I touched that code, and I'm a
busy right now, so I'm not building a test data set and a test case.

I *believe* the following patch should do the trick (although it
wastes 15 bytes per value, storing a boolean in a short; on the plus
side, the resulting tables won't give headaches when accessed through

Index: gavo/grammars/directgrammar.py
--- gavo/grammars/directgrammar.py	(revision 5394)
+++ gavo/grammars/directgrammar.py	(working copy)
@@ -546,6 +546,7 @@
 		"J": ("TLONG", "long"),
 		"K": ("TLONGLONG", "long long"),
 		"E": ("TFLOAT", "float"),
+		"L": ("TLOGICAL", "short"),
 		"D": ("TDOUBLE", "double")}
 	makers = {
 		"bigint": "MAKE_BIGINT",

Would you try it?  If it doesn't do the trick, could you send me a
little sample of this file (one row, or perhaps two, one with true,
one with false, will do)? 



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